Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Warrenton consoles.

This white warrenton console was the first one my husband build. 
The height is right for what we need it for. 

He build this second one last week. For this one he used the right measurement,  and reclaimed wood from a very old building from the city. The wood was a gift.

I couldn't take more pictures of the process because I was doing something else,
 but here I share the console inside the house now.  
It didn't need to be stained, only some wax and that was all.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A bird of a feather...

I found a hawk feather this morning.  
And while I was holding it, I vizualized how to used it.
A few hours later I was working on this wreath that came out very  "Texan-Bohemian."

When a feather falls to earth, The Native Americans believe it carries all of the energy of it's former attachment on a bird to a living being. Feathers are perceive as a gifts from the sky, the sea and the trees. Feathers arrive unexpectedly, but not without purpose.

*A feather from a hawk symbolizes guardianship, strength and far-sightedness.

Thank you for the feather Mr. Hawk!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Prairie, B&B.

It's been almost a year, and still feels like it was yesterday...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Bohemian allure.

I like the bohemian vibe, and I believe boho and shabby are a good combo too.
